简介浙江舟山嘉泽水产公司,公司厂房座落于浙江省舟山市普陀区沈家门街道平阳工业小园,临近上海和宁波港口,拥有丰富的海产品资源,工厂生产车间及附属配套车间面积3000余平方米,拥有200吨级原料冷库和400吨成品冷库一座,20吨级速冻间3间,日速冻能力达50吨。 现公司致力于水产品加工以及进出口贸易,公司拥有自己的生产公司舟山天佳水产食品有限公司主要生产小鱿鱼,虾仁,安康鱼,月亮鱼,螃蟹, 鲯鳅鱼,配菜等相关冷冻水产品,主要销往欧洲,中东,俄罗斯,美国,东南亚,年出口超过150个集装箱。 目前公司依托浙江舟山群岛新区发展,抢抓机会本着“诚信为本,质量第一,顾客至上”的宗旨,追求更高目标,为客户提供一流的服务和品质。 我们竭诚欢迎国内外客户来工厂参观洽谈,携手合作共谋发展。
英文简介Zhejiang Zhoushan Jiaze Aquatic Co.,Ltd, Located in Pingyang Industrial areas, Zhoushan City, China, convenient transportation and abundant resource of seafood. We are to the south of Shanghai which is the biggest business city in China, and north of Ningbo, the main port of China, The plant has more than 3000m2 workshop , and over 200 tons cold storage for raw material, and 400tons of products cold storage, 3 workshops for quick freezing as capacity 20 tons, freezing capacity of 50 tons per day. Our plant mainly processes baby squid, red shrimps, pink shrimps, monkfish tail, john dory fish, blue swimming crab, squid tube, loligo squid, mahi mahi fish, seafood mix and so on. They are mainly export to European countries, middle east, Russia, USA, South-east Asia, with anuual exporting capacity more than 150 containers. We welcome domestic and overseas guests to visit our company and plant and work together to creat bright future.
介绍:拔刺小鱿鱼: 小鱿鱼去软骨,单冻或者块冻包装
介绍:切段鱿鱼: 红鱿鱼切段,2-3cm 规格
介绍:虾仁: 红虾或者沙虾仁,单冻 或者块冻
介绍:三去安康鱼: 安康鱼尾, 规格: 80/150 150/200 200/300 300/500 500/700 等
介绍:月亮鱼片: 单冻,带皮, 去中骨月亮鱼片